figs benefits for health - Beauty Health Exercise and online earn money tips



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Tuesday, August 27, 2019

figs benefits for health

Health Benefits of Figs
in this post I tech you the benefits of figs. It is very nice and gold thing for our health. Some time we use the fig as dry fruit. It is very tasty and healthy for our health. So, we start the learning of the benefits of
Lower blood pressure:
Figs are full of potassium and minerals that can help to control hypertension.
Work s well for weight management;
Figs are very full of dietary fibers. Therefore, they’re perfect option for people who want to loss weight. A high fiber diet helps you to slow down the digestion and cuts your hunger.
Guards against post –menopausal breast cancer:
Research indicates that regular consumption of figs helps in reducing the chance of post menopausal breast cancer by approximately 34 percent.
Anti-diabetic affects:
Figs have anti-diabetic properties to help you to lower your blood sugar level.
Treats Heart disease:
Daily use of figs can lower triglyceride levels within the blood. Triglycerides are the main types of fats (they are also referred to as ugly fat cells) that go around in the blood. Higher triglyceride levels within the blood can give rise to obesity and lots of heart problems.
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